Do’s & Don’ts of Waxing
Before your wax-
-Stop shaving/tweezing two weeks prior to your wax. Longer hair (grain of rice length) allows our wax to get a better grip.
-Gently exfoliate the area that will be waxed the day before your reservation.This removes dead skin and allows for a closer wax.
-Skin can be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle,so consider booking in between your cycles.
-If you’re worried about pain, take an ibuprofen an hour before your wax.
After care for waxing services-
-avoid sun exposure for AT LEAST 24-48 hours and use sunscreen!
-avoid going straight to the pool or beach, schedule appointments accordingly
-avoid perfumed products, lotions, creams etc that can irritate sensitive skin
-keep clothing loose and breathable
-keep consistent, the more you wax, the better it will be!
*if you are new to waxing, the first time you may notice some hair still left, this is because of the way the hair grows in stages and when you shave it can be inconsistent. After about the 3rd wax everything should be on the same cycle and you’ll be left smoother, longer!